Social Security Disability Appeals Lawyer In Albuquerque

Albuquerque City And Buildings DaytimeAs a resident of Albuquerque, you get to enjoy a vibrant mix of cultures, incredible desert landscapes, and the charm of neighborhoods like Nob Hill and the North Valley. But, when a long-term disability prevents you from working and keeps you out of the workforce for an extended period of time, enjoying what your city has to offer takes a backseat to your concerns about supporting yourself financially.

Many Albuquerque residents will find their initial claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) denied, leaving them with an uncertain outlook on the next steps they can take to regain their quality of life.


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For A Free Case Review For Your SSDI In Albuquerque

A 20-year-old worker in the United States has a one-in-four chance of becoming disabled before they reach the age of retirement.

Navigating the complex maze of the Social Security disability claims appeals process can be daunting, complex, and frustrating. Without the proper financial support to maintain your quality of life, it can be difficult to enjoy life in Albuquerque—whether it’s catching a sunset over the Sandia Mountains or exploring the vibrant downtown—when finances are a constant concern. 

About SSDI Appeals In Albuquerque

Being told that your claim for SSDI benefits has been rejected is not the end of the road. With help from an SSDI lawyer at our firm, you may be found eligible for benefits by successfully pursuing an appeal. The following is a brief look at each of the four SSDI appeal levels:


The first step in appealing a denied SSDI claim is to submit a request for reconsideration. Ideally, this request will include new medical evidence supporting your eligibility for SSDI benefits.

Administrative Law Judge Hearing

If you are again denied benefits at the reconsideration stage, the next step is to request a formal hearing before an administrative law judge, or “ALJ.” A seasoned Social Security Disability appeals lawyer in Albuquerque can instruct you on providing effective hearing testimony and will accompany you to the hearing.

Appeals Council

If necessary, the administrative law judge’s decision can be appealed to the Appeals Council, located in Falls Church, Virginia. The Appeals Council will examine the case record and determine whether the ALJ made any legal or procedural errors. At this point, your claim can either be approved, denied, or sent back for another ALJ hearing.

Federal Court

A denial of SSDI benefits by the Appeals Council can be appealed to federal court. This is a civil action filed in the federal judicial district where you live or have a principal place of business. A Social Security Disability appeals lawyer from our firm in Albuquerque will be happy to explain what happens at this stage in more detail if your case progresses.

Contact Us For A Social Security Disability Appeals Lawyer In Albuquerque

If you have been denied SSDI benefits but wish to continue pursuing a claim, then be sure to speak with the staff at Michael Armstrong Law. With a locally owned and operated firm, you will receive a legal representative who partners with you to assist you in obtaining the SSDI benefits you deserve. We can help file for reconsideration or litigate in federal court to tell your story. The team at Michael Armstrong Law can confidently guide you through the SSDI appeals process. Michael Armstrong Law is your Albuquerque law firm that will help you reclaim your peace of mind by fighting for your SSDI benefits.


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