SSDI FAQs for Residents of Albuquerque, NM & Greater Metro Area

At Michael Armstrong Law in Albuquerque, New Mexico, we commonly answer questions relating to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and the various steps that someone must take to apply for SSDI benefits. The following is a series of SSDI FAQs that we believe should be helpful to Albuquerque area residents who find themselves in need of SSDI help and SSDI resources.Brown Gavel With Question Mark

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What Is SSDI?

SSDI is a federal program that provides financial assistance to people with disabilities. SSDI benefits are only available to qualified, disabled individuals who have paid a minimum amount of Social Security payroll taxes.

How Do I Qualify For SSDI?

This is one of the most common SSDI FAQs that we hear from prospective clients looking for SSDI help. Generally speaking, you must first have had a job that is covered by Social Security. And second, you must have a medical condition that meets the Social Security Administration’s definition of “disability.”

What Is The SSA’s Definition Of “Disability”?

Anyone who wishes to obtain SSDI financial help must have a disability that prevents them from engaging in any substantial gainful activity (SGA) and such disability must either (1) be expected to last for at least 12 months, or (2) be expected to result in death.

How do I Apply for SSDI Benefits?

You can apply online, over the phone, or at your nearest Social Security office.

How Long Does the SSDI Application Process Take?

Most SSDI resources say that it generally takes three to five months after applying for SSDI benefits to receive a decision. On the other hand, appealing a denial of benefits can take 12-24 months if not longer, especially while the coronavirus pandemic remains ongoing.

Are SSDI Benefits Hard To Obtain?

The straightforward answer to this question is, unfortunately, yes. Anyone in the Albuquerque area who has been denied SSDI benefits should promptly contact Michael Armstrong Law to discuss how our team might be able to help you obtain SSDI benefits through the appeal process. We have a long history of providing SSDI help to those with a wide range of physical and mental impairments.

What Is the 55 Rule for SSDI?

The “55 Rule” for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) refers to standards set by the Social Security Administration (SSA), which considers adapting to new types of work for older individuals as more difficult. In this case, and due to this rule, it can be easier for older individuals who are in need of Social Security disability benefits to be approved.

What Can You Not Do on SSDI?

The benefits you receive from Social Security disability payments can only be spent on legal activities, encompassing all your spending. SSDI payments cannot be spent on illicit activities. Furthermore, you must be cautious of earned income and Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limits. Earning too much from side projects or jobs can push you over the SGA limit, which can make you lose your SSD benefits.

What Is the 5 Month Rule for SSDI?

The ‘5-Month Rule’ for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a waiting period before Social Security disability benefits are paid. After being approved for SSDI, the Social Security Administration (SSA) withholds payments for the first five full months of disability to ensure that your condition qualifies as a long-term disability.

How Much Money Can I Make a Month and Still Keep My SSDI?

In 2025, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients can earn up to $1,620 per month for non-blind individuals or $2,700 for statutorily blind individuals without their benefits being affected. It is essential to note that these earnings refer to earned income activities. Therefore, you can earn up to the SGA limit plus your current SSDI payment benefits. However, earning above these Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) thresholds may result in losing your SSDI benefits. It is also important to note that earning above this threshold will trigger a Trial Work Period (TWP). During a Trial Work Period (TWP), Social Security disability benefit recipients can test their ability to work without losing benefits. In 2025, any month you earn over $1,160 before taxes will count towards this trial.

What Is the Most Approved Disability?

Statistically, the most commonly approved disabilities for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are those that have well-documented medical evidence and pose significant functional limitations for job performance. These will often be conditions that include musculoskeletal disorders (severe back/spine injuries), mental health conditions (depression and/or anxiety), and conditions like cancer, heart disease, or neurological disorders.

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